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(as of Oct. 7, 2024/ all times subject to change)
Monday, October 7
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration Desk Open
Encore 1, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
Noon-5 p.m.
Meeting Hall Open
Legends, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
5-6:30 p.m.
New Attendee Mixer
Presented by Verde Payments
(Limited Access Event)
Woodstock, Floor 4
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
Tuesday, October 8
8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Registration Desk Open
Encore 1, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
8:30 a.m-9:30 a.m.
Donuts & Coffee With PDMIU
Meeting Hall, Legends, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
9 a.m-5 p.m.
Meeting Hall Open
Legends, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Educational Session: Media Outlet Roundtable
Confirmed Speakers: Matt Brehm, Roku; Sly Phifer, Disney Advertising; John Rinaldo, DISH Media; Sean Robertson, NBCUniversal
Moderator: Carey Chase, Modus Direct
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
11 a.m.-Noon
Educational Session: Content Is Queen
Presented by the Women's Leadership Council
Confirmed Speakers: Sarah Andreadakis, Bluewater; Scott Berger, Scripps; Carey Grange, Growth Envy Marketing; Alyson Sprague, Wondery
Moderator: Fern Lee, THOR Associates
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
1-2 p.m.
Educational Session: Power of the Podcast
Confirmed Speakers: Peter Duborg, Warner Bros. Discovery; David Shiffman, iHeart Media; Eric Steaple, Fox
Moderator: Lissie Perkins, Casual Precision
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Educational Session: Volatility Is the New Normal
Presented by the E-Commerce Council
Confirmed Speakers: Lindsey Carnett, Marketing Maven; Len Gordon, Venable LLP; Peter Russo, Insurance Marketing Solutions; Damon Wright, GRSM LLP
Moderator: Gregory Silvano, Buyist
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
4-5 p.m.
Educational Session: Brand Roundtable: What's Working in U.S. Hispanic Performance Media?
Presented by the U.S. Hispanic Council
Confirmed Speakers: Nicole Cordero, Los Defensores; Matthew Laramee, Southern New Hampshire University; Tina Watkins, Meaningful Beauty
Moderator: Marcelino Miyares, d2H Partners
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Sundown Shindig
Presented by XR Extreme Reach
Float, Floor 4
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
8-11 p.m.
Rock the Box
Presented by Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
(Special RSVP Required)
Music Box San Diego
1337 India St., San Diego
Wednesday, October 9
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Registration Desk Open
Encore 1, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
8-9:15 a.m
Women's Leadership Breakfast
Presented by Yangaroo
(Special RSVP Required)
Celebrate, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
9 a.m-5 p.m.
Meeting Hall Open
Legends, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Educational Session: CTV Outlets, Platforms Lean Into Tech to Drive Brand Success
Confirmed Speakers: Matt Cote, Magnite; Amanda Henry-Godino, Netflix; TaraLynn Marinho, Roku; Matt Wasserlauf, Blockboard
Moderator: Sean Kalub, Havas Edge
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
11 a.m.-Noon
Educational Session: Executing a Campaign Across CTV, Streaming, and Linear TV
Presented by the Workshop Council
Confirmed Speakers: Joseph Gray,; Jeanne Rose McElroy, Comcast/AudienceXpress; Patrick Raymond, Bluewater
Moderator: Mike Battisto, Target+Response
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
1-2 p.m.
Educational Session: Buy-Side Banter — Performance Agencies Speak Out
Confirmed Speaker: Vicky Chang, Tatari; Alesha Romatier, GainShare
Moderator: Thomas Haire, The PDMI
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Educational Session: It's Moving FAST — Streaming's Latest Growth Channel
Presented by the Brand Response Council
Confirmed Speakers: Jason Mezic, Paramount; Chris Pizzurro, Leap Media Group/RVTV; Kaitlin Stebbins, Samsung Ads
Moderator: Chris Foster, Modern Postcard
Educational Theater, Floor 2
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Rock Star Reception
Presented by Lockard & Wechsler Direct
207, Floor 1
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
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PDMI West 2024 Sponsors

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