Simplify Audits With Automated Invoice and Payment Processing
Audit time is one of the most stressful times of year, causing moments of panic and apprehension across organizations. They open...
How CX Plays in The Age of AI and ChatBots
This article originally ran in CXBuzz. Hello. Is There Anybody in There? All of us as CX professionals and, more importantly, as...
‘I Want a Great Contact Center — How Do I Find One?’
By Greg Sarnow As a brand marketer or owner, does this sound like you? "I have a great product line, and my sales confirm that our...
The Past, Present, and Future of Business Payments
"Over the years, and especially in the past decade, the nature of payments has evolved. New technologies have created a faster and more...
Making the Best of the Blur: Opportunities During the Coronavirus
Contributing factors to the rise of success in DTC and performance marketing campaigns in a COVID world.